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5k/10K Map

The 10K will be two loops of the 5k course


LOCATION-New in 2025
The start and finish for the City Park 5k is at the City Park Pavilion-2001 Steele St, Denver CO 80205

There will be one water station for the 5k.  The 10K will see the water station 2 times. There are no water stations on the 1 Mile course.

Restrooms (port-o-johns) are located near the expo area.  There are no restrooms on the course.

Parking is plentiful in the surrounding area.  The largest lots in the area would be at the East High School Track.  Parking may be available in the lots between the Denver Zoo and The Denver Museum of Nature and Science- Please do not park in the lot or garage directly in front of the Musuem. Click Here for parking map and driving directions.

The Course closes at 11am.

The course is mostly on the concrete sidewalks and the asphalt road of the park. This time of year, sometimes there is recent snowfall/melt. The course is used and run on in "as-is" conditions. Please check the weather and be mindful of your footwear/accessories. 

Dogs are welcome but we ask that you start near the back of the pack and keep your well-behaved, furry friend on a short leash to prevent tripping other participants.

Strollers are welcome.  Please make sure that your stroller does not impede other participants on the course.  This course is suitable for all types of strollers.

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